Saturday 15 September 2012

Olympics coins

Nice week over with some good memories. 
Received my first set of 29 50p olympic coins this morning. they look lovely. Kids very excited. Will need to collect a second set rather than buying it. Three generation now involved in coin collection. I am pleased that I did not have to teach my son, he was motivated by himself when once in leisure centre found a Olympic 50p coin and rather than spending decide to donate it to his stupid brother. Not realizing that his DAD will be in his way. 
This are all the coins I have 
Aquatics ~ 1,010,000
Archery ~ 1,010,000
Athletics ~ 1,010,000
Badminton ~ 1,005,000
Basketball ~ 1,005,000
Boccia ~ 1,005,000
Boxing ~ 805,000
Canoeing ~ 1,010,000
Cycling ~ 800,000
Equestrian ~ 1,005,000
Fencing ~ 1,005,000
Football ~ 500,000
Goalball ~ 1,005,000
Gymnastics ~ 1,007,313
Handball ~ 1,005,000
Hockey ~ 1,001,000
Judo ~ 1,005,000
Modern Pentathlon ~ 705,000
Rowing ~ 1,005,300
Sailing ~ 1,005,000
Shooting ~ 1,005,000
Table tennis ~ 1,010,000
Taekwondo ~ 1,005,000
Tennis ~ 605,000
Triathlon ~ 1,011,000
Volleyball ~ 1,005,000
Weightlifting ~ 1,105,000
Wheelchair Rugby ~ 505,000
Wrestling ~ 505,000 

The numbers indicate the coins released in circulation in the UK. Once I have album shall show it my friends
Now going for hunt.........

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